Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5 Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5
3.5 stars - "Review for Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5" This Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5 is the best Trucks I have tried.
  • Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5 - Image 1
  • Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5 - Image 1
Grind King

Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5

Product ID: 575321
Brand: Grind King
From: $89.99 AUD

View or buy the Trucks Skate and Sandboards - Grind King Disruptor Trucks (set of 2) Black 5.5 from Grind King to discover other options and shipping details.


Suits boards 8 to 8.25 inches  

After some use, Standard trucks will be grinded to where the kingpin is in the way of the grind, resulting in hangups, injurys and a butchered kingpin making adjustments near impossible.

With the GrindKing Disrupter, no more hangups due to a lower kingpin, and increased snap resistance from the curved baseplate that spreads the imapact across the board



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