Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box) Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box)
4.5 stars - "Review for Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box)" This Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box) is the best DVD Windsurf I have tried.
  • Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box) - Image 1
  • Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box) - Image 1
Surf Sail Australia

Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box)

Product ID: 475132
Brand: Surf Sail Australia
From: $109.95 AUD

View or buy the DVD Windsurf Windsurfing Other - Surf Sail Tricktionary DVD (3 DVD Box) from Surf Sail Australia to discover other options and shipping details.


The ultimate Windsurfing Instructional Movie

3 Windsurfing DVDS have been produced with every level taken into consideration.

Beginners are guided through the basicas of windsurfing, intermediates can improve their gybing and tacking manouvers, freestylers are taken through a huge number of moves and wavesailors will see how to ride and jump



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