Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom
3.5 stars - "Review for Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom" This Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom is the best Windsurfer LT I have tried.
  • Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom - Image 1
  • Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom - Image 1

Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom

Product ID: 556353
Brand: Exocet
From: $449.99 AUD

View or buy the Windsurfer LT Windsurfing One Design - Windsurfer LT Alloy Adjustable Boom from Exocet to discover other options and shipping details.


One design boom for Windsurfer LT

  1. Full monococque front and back end for stiffness and strength
  2. Min 175cm to max 240cm
  3. Alloy body and back end
  4. Twin stainless pin adjustable
  5. Fully articulating front end
  6. Fits SDM and RDM masts.
  7. Markings on boom for harness line placement.
  8. Pulleys and cleat incorporated into back end.



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