Product CatalogueWine and LiquorPremix and RTDPremix and RTDBillsons Twister Vodka Back Billsons Twister Vodka Product ID: 116210 Brand: 2025-01-03 View or buy the Premix and RTD Premix and RTD - Billsons Twister Vodka from to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Premix and RTD - Premix and RTD More Premix and RTD and others in our range UDL Passionfruit 375ml Smirnoff Lime Seltzer 250ml Wild Turkey 101 Zero Cola 375ml Little Fat Lamb Lemonator 10pk Smirnoff Ice Double Black Raspberry 6.5% 375ml Cannabis Botanical Pink Lemonade 330ml White Claw Lemonade Strawberry 330ml Kirin Hyoketsu Pineapple 330ml Johnnie Walker Cola Can 375ml Sour Puss Sour Watermelon 8% 330ml