Product CatalogueWine and LiquorWINE - REDROSEGOSSIPS ROSE Back GOSSIPS GOSSIPS ROSE Product ID: 4527 Brand: GOSSIPS 2025-01-21 From: $4.99 AUD View or buy the ROSE WINE + RED - GOSSIPS ROSE from GOSSIPS to discover other options and shipping details. Description A simple, sweet rose without a hint of dryness. A light, summery style from Gossips that will suit the sweet tooth. Back to WINE + RED - ROSE More ROSE and others in our range SWEET LIPS INFUSIONS HIBISCUS PEPPERJACK ROSE MATEUS ROSE DEEP WOODS HARMONY ROSE JACOBS CREEK LE PETIT ROSE LA BOHEME DRY PINOT ROSE FORESTER JACK OUT THE BOX ROSE PIERRE DAMOUR ROSE PITCHFORK PINK ROSE HAPPS FUCHSIA ROSE