Old Kempton Pinot Small Cask Whisky 500ml Old Kempton Pinot Small Cask Whisky 500ml
5 stars - "Review for Old Kempton Pinot Small Cask Whisky 500ml" This Old Kempton Pinot Small Cask Whisky 500ml is the best Whisky I have tried.
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Old Kempton Pinot Small Cask Whisky 500ml

Product ID: 88337

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Old Kempon Classic Pinot Cask

Nose: this dram presents delicate lifted floral notes with a sweet cherry element that is the signature of Pinot Noir ageing.

Palate: a clean and sweet explosion of flavours greets the palate then settles to a warm and delicately delicious mixture of the stone fruit and floral elements.

The finish is long and clean with lingering chocolate and toffee sweetness underlying the crisp pinot cask oak tannins which give this dram its elegant appeal.

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