Product CatalogueWine and LiquorMagnumsShirazPenfolds Grange 2004 1.5L Back PENFOLDS Penfolds Grange 2004 1.5L Product ID: Penfolds_Grange_2004_1_5L Brand: PENFOLDS 2025-01-22 View or buy the Shiraz Magnums - Penfolds Grange 2004 1.5L from PENFOLDS to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Magnums - Shiraz More Shiraz and others in our range PEPPERJACK GRADED SHIRAZ GRANT BURGE 5TH GEN SHIRAZ Jim Barry Barry Bros Shiraz 750ml LINDEMANS BIN 50 SHIRAZ Hentley Farm Villain Shiraz 750ml St Hallett Black Clay Shiraz 750ml WYNDHAM EST B555 SHIRAZ 187ML Willow Bridge Shiraz 750ml Churchview Estate Bartondale Shiraz 750ml TEMPUS TWO SHIRAZ