Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml
5 stars - "Review for Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml" This Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml is the best Whisky I have tried.
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Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml

Product ID: Rampur_Double_Cask_Whisky_700ml

View or buy the Whisky Spirits - Rampur Double Cask Whisky 700ml from RAMPUR to discover other options and shipping details.


This beautiful expression is crafted by maturation in handpicked American Bourbon barrels & European Oak sherry casks.Delicate balsamic vanilla notes from the American white oak compliment the full-bodied aroma; Rich caramel, dried dark fruits and spicy tonality from European oak add to the depth.


Full-bodied aroma of tropical fruits, smooth malty tones and oaky notes from double oak-wood barrels create an aurora of flavours.


Lustful elegance of sweet fruits; riding on rich sherry for a blissful nirvana.


Tantalisingly long, lingering and generous. 

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